(1/2 – 1 day)
Up to 10 delegates
Covering the skills of chairing and participating in meetings in order to make them more focussed and productive.
Usually included is a session on using Edward De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats to facilitate meetings more effectively, (click on Edward De Bono on the Home page for more information). The amount of emphasis on this is dependent on client’s outcomes.
Courses are adapted to reflect in-house agenda style and practices.
The content is as follows:
- Welcome/ objectives/common difficulties in meetings
- Preparing an agenda – being clear about preparation
- Handling the discussion, keeping in control and on time
- Gaining agreement on actions to be taken
- Options:
- Using Six Thinking Hats to manage meeting time and productivity
- Impact of ‘Belbin’ team roles in a meeting environment (pre-course questionnaire)
- Handling difficult people/situations
- Participant skills – preparation, being constructive, keeping the meeting on track
- Minutes, follow up
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About Us
Since starting my business in 2002 with 13 years training and development experience within commercially driven environments, I have been developing a strong track record of helping others to achieve and grow.
Contact Us
Florence Madden BSSc. Assoc CIPD ANLP
t: 01228 711199
f: 01228 711199
m: 07732 695838
e: info@florencemadden.co.uk
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