Personal Effectiveness at Work
Bespoke Training Courses
Edward de Bono – Six Thinking Hats
5 day course in two parts – handling yourself and others effectively in work situations. The content, structure and overall length of this course combine to enable delegates to make lasting changes to how they handle themselves in work/business situations.
I also offer range of NLP Courses accredited and certified by ANLP: NLP Coaching Diploma, NLP Business Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner. These run in The Lake District, and for the first time in 2019 the NLP Master Practitioner was run as a ‘Twin centre’ in The Lake District and Kefalonia. 2025 Master venue to be confirmed.
All other dates set for 2025 will run at the lovely Macdonald Leeming House in The Lake District.
All of my courses are written and delivered by myself (working with Associates as appropriate).….So what is delivered is centred on the outcomes you want!
A number of de Bono courses are available which can be delivered by myself or another associate from the Holst Group. These are run as open courses or can be delivered in-house.
What Delegates Say
PEAW is a life-changing course!
Florence’s style of teaching made this course different from any other courses I have attended: the learning journey was an enjoyable experience and Florence’s belief that we would ‘get it’ was very reassuring.
The course honed my ‘people skills’ and I believe this was instrumental in me subsequently gaining promotion.
The Personal Effectiveness at Work course with Florence was a real breath of fresh air, superior in content with a much better style of delivery, (than other courses I have attended)………….it allows flexibility for each individual attending, teaching you to adapt to and manage situations and environments you may find yourself in.
It provided me with all the tools I need to become a better, more effective person, not just at work but at home too. I’ve noticed a definite change in my approach to work since the course, so much so that I’ve been given a promotion and now have a greater level of responsibility within my job. I’ve also confidently shared my learnings with colleagues during team training days. I feel that I am continually developing and improving both professionally and personally.
I highly recommend this course, it’s fun, informative and invaluable!
I thoroughly enjoyed the course and have found a number of aspects that have helped me to improve my working relationships and also my own performance at work. I have also used some of the tools in my personal life……..
I have recently been on holiday and used the visualisation technique. Prior to my flight I imagined the scene where my 2 year old son sat nicely on the aeroplane and read his book and played with his toys quietly. I did this over a number of days and sure enough he was good as gold on the flight out.
I completely forgot to do the same for the return flight whilst I was on holiday and sure enough he was a little terror on the way back!!!
I would definitely recommend the course to anyone wanting to build their personal effectiveness through communications / interactions with other and general self-presentation……. Florence was a great course leader, with energy and enthusiasm. I admired her ability to flex the course to cover the areas that were most useful to the group…. The venue was beautiful and really added to the content of the course by providing space to reflect in a relaxing environment……. The course has had a massive impact on me and is something that I am going to come back to again and again.
I thoroughly enjoyed the course and the content. I was fascinated from day 1 and found myself looking hard at my own behaviours in the past experiences I have and looking at how my behaviours had effected the situations. I found Florence to be an excellent teacher, her guided approach helped all of us look for the answers in our learning and think how to apply them to ourselves individually, this was so helpful in analysing my own situations and highlighting areas I can adapt and improve on back in the workplace. I found that Florence was able to link very different people together to help us support and encourage each other and find direction from the learning of others that was helpful to us individually too.
I have found myself actively searching out ways I can apply my learning at work and working hard on using my new assertiveness skills. I have already seen improvements in some relationships at work from the first part of the course and I have seen further changes following my return to work after the second part of the course. I feel much more comfortable with my communication to people by using my learning to stay ‘adult’ and communicate much more effectively.
Personal Effectiveness at work with Florence, has given me renewed belief in myself and greater confidence in my capabilities.I am now able to understand that it is not always the behaviour of others that is the issue, but how I choose to react and manage the situation, understanding that “Behaviour is not the person”
Once again, I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate on one of your courses !
The Personal Effectiveness At Work was the best and most influential training I have ever done. Definitely the only training course I could ever repeat over and over and never get bored!
Rather than teaching me new things, you have taught me to work with and make the very best of what I already have! I completely believe in myself now and my ability to get the best from and resolve situations in a much more effective, productive and calm way both at work and in my home life…….I wish I had done this training much sooner……. and I wish I could do it all over again!
Since the training I take the time to listen, I still have to make a conscious effort to do this… still doesn’t come naturally….. but I notice I am doing it more and more. This and taking time to think before I respond makes such a difference to my outcomes. My colleagues, many of whom are friends have noticed a change in the way I deal with situations, slower to react, taking time to think, staying in the adult and most of all considering there may be a bigger picture!
I feel a much happier, relaxed and productive colleague, friend, wife and mum!. Florence Madden, you are genius!Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and hope to manage a refresher sometime in the future.
I find it fascinating how we are all different……….this course was an eye opener for me in that aspect. Through attending this course I have been able to concentrate on areas of myself that I have always seen as potential weak spots. With the help of Florence and the other delegates I was able to identify these areas and to work with the results in the best way possible. I am continuing to apply this to my home life as well as work. Implementing this is not easy but the rewards are worth it. Thank you to Florence for ensuring the course is delivered in a relaxed manner where I felt I could talk openly about issues.
I found the course informal ………..there was a lot of eureka moments as in “oh that’s me” “I was right there” and even “oh I should of dealt with that situation differently”.
Hearing other people’s tales problems and accomplishments, made us all feel equal, if that makes sense. Very personal situations were discussed by all………the togetherness and support within the group the freedom of speech was key for me………….within the group there was trust!!. Opinions were supported, discussed and changed with reasoning….. great course, top food and treats throughout the day thanks again Florence.
I have been using what I learnt and keeping my inner child out of work ! Colleagues and supervisors have noticed a difference I really found the course beneficial for me helped me grow…………. would like to do another course with you some time………..
Having thoroughly enjoyed the Personal Effectiveness at Work Course I am now getting positive feedback from colleagues and customers, they say that I talk in a more balanced and adult way… Thanks to the course I have the ability to ask better questions and give replies in the appropriate manner.
Thank you again for your wonderful course and I hope to work with you again in the future !
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About Us
Since starting my business in 2002 with 13 years training and development experience within commercially driven environments, I have been developing a strong track record of helping others to achieve and grow.
Contact Us
Florence Madden BSSc. Assoc CIPD ANLP
t: 01228 711199
f: 01228 711199
m: 07732 695838
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