(1 day)
Up to 10 delegates
This workshop is for groups of individuals within a team, or more commonly across functions, who want to set up an ‘Action Learning Set’* within their organisation.
The initial day of explanation and skill development is usually followed by a facilitation of the first ALS meeting and then assisting a member of the group to take over facilitation at the next meeting. Alternatively the programme can include ongoing external facilitation of meetings.
The course content is as follows:
- Welcome /introductions/objectives
- What are Action Learning Sets?
- Benefits to the team/individual/organisation
- How and why people learn and how ALS complete the Learning Cycle.
- The Action Learning process:
- Setting up – including setting ‘Ground Rules’
- The roles within the Set – how these are managed
- The review process – key behaviours
- Practice of key skills of creating a ‘Thinking Environment’
- Attention/listening
- Asking questions to stimulate thinking
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Giving ‘input’ without advice – ‘Time to Think Council’ process
* Action learning is an educational process whereby people work and learn together by tackling real issues and reflecting on their actions. Learners acquire knowledge through actual actions and practice rather than through traditional instruction.
Action learning is done in conjunction with others, in small groups called action learning sets. It is proposed as particularly suitable for adults, as it enables each person to reflect on and review the action they have taken and the learning points arising. This should then guide future action and improve performance.
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Since starting my business in 2002 with 13 years training and development experience within commercially driven environments, I have been developing a strong track record of helping others to achieve and grow.
Contact Us
Florence Madden BSSc. Assoc CIPD ANLP
t: 01228 711199
f: 01228 711199
m: 07732 695838
e: info@florencemadden.co.uk
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