(Timescales variable)
Up to 12 delegates depending on group/content etc
Courses in these subject areas are written and run on a bespoke basis because of the widely varying requirements of each client company.
These may be run with associates as required.
Typical options are:
- Team building courses (typically 2 days) – structured to develop new or existing teams work more effectively together. Usually activity based.
- Leadership courses (usually 2-3 days) – normally structured to give delegates the opportunity to understand their own leadership style, experience leadership and be exposed to team feedback. This is more challenging and intense than ‘team’ courses and is usually activity based to create opportunity for personal feedback and reflection.
- Trainer Skills
- Time Management
- Stress/State Management
- Report / Business Writing Skills
- Recruitment and Interviewing
- Positive Personal Presentation
- Performance Management
- Negotiation Skills
- Managing Change
- Managing Meetings
- Leadership/Team Training
- Facilitation Skills
- Disciplinary Skills
- Customer Service Training
- Counselling Skills
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About Us
Since starting my business in 2002 with 13 years training and development experience within commercially driven environments, I have been developing a strong track record of helping others to achieve and grow.
Contact Us
Florence Madden BSSc. Assoc CIPD ANLP
t: 01228 711199
f: 01228 711199
m: 07732 695838
e: info@florencemadden.co.uk
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