By David Wilbun

The sun rose on another day in the village, ….’Same old, same old….’ you could see some of the villagers thinking.

Ella looked on in disbelief to see Josh disappearing in his usual way, down the same path to fetch the morning water, with not a care in the world…. Carefree Joshua walked along the dusty flat path…. mindful of pebbles and rocks…. and potholes a few…… this path he knew well, well he should… shouldn’t he?……..It’s his path that he walks… his path he walks to his Well….

“Just look at that!” …Ella said to herself disapprovingly…… Josh was off again, same old rickety leaking buckets in hand…. and guaranteed to be only half full when he returns from the well…. Well, there’s nothing new there…. is there?

“You would think he would know by now that the other well will be better?”…. thought Ella, … “But no!… And why not? ……You may ask…. wouldn’t we all like to know?”

Josh had taken the responsibility over time to collect the water for the villagers… he was previously asked on occasions many moons ago…. so, he just kept doing it the same way…… Everyone just left Josh to it.

No one ever complained, offered any help as such…… what will be, will be. It was presumed that Joshua was happy with the arrangement…. this was Joshua’s role, his purpose… Wasn’t it? It gave him a sense of importance, didn’t it?

All by himself on the path…. the path to the Well…. no guidance was offered…. or advice… just his own……, Down the path he did trudge, trudge the path to the well…… Josh arrived with his buckets to fill up once again…… A quick rest was required, …… so Josh waited a while…. the sun’s rays getting hotter, draining energy with every step…. and that walk back still to do…….

“Can’t stop to long or there will be trouble……. they’ll think I am lost” …… so he filled up his buckets…. filled them up to the rim…. and it’s off back to the village, …  as expected by them…….

As he arrived back at the village tired and weary no doubt……. his buckets half empty from leaks in the side, . . . but that didn’t matter, ……. no one would mind…. mind you that’s not true, …… Ella did have her view.

Her frustration was clear… with the villagers and Josh… tolerating half measures was not going to wash… Same old… same old…. no more…. something has to be done.

“You accept this is OK… well that’s not for me… there’s the other well you know…. and that’s where we should be…. Yes, a little bit further… fully agreed… but needs must for our water… and that’s what we need!”

Next morning Ella woke, before the sun’s chance to rise. Her objective was clear… only Ella could see…. In her mind this was true…… The second Well’s the objective and it holds the key!…….. The key was more water…. more water…… there would be…… So off Ella went, to prove Joshua a point… that his way was wrong, and her way was right!

Leaky buckets in hand on the path Ella went…. passed the first well she travelled…. far, far she did walk…. on and on she would go…. “It can’t be long now…. How far is this Well” …? She thought to herself while trudging along, …… if only she had known this distance involved…. maybe more thought was needed…… less assumption for sure…… but there’s no stopping this girl now…. the decisions been made……. “On and on must I go, …… can’t turn back now……. I know what they’ll think… already saying I’m slow!!!”

And then with a flash… as bright as can be…. the second Well appeared there, for all to see! Quite amazing also, by the Well she could see….

“I see new buckets with wheels… and no cracks… no leaks…. ….. just perfect for me!”…… She knew…. new buckets… were part of the key…… “My way…. I just knew…. was so right and true…. now for the water…. crystal clear… and blue”……

Ella plunged in her buckets……, “But something’s not right, …… there’s no splash, …… there’s no water?…….. THIS JUST CANNOT BE ……   All this way for what?…………………………….. No water ……. FOR ME?…….. OH NO ……….Now What?………….. Now What will I do…………there’s NO water for me……  And … I still need water…….. for YOU?