And now…….Generative Coaching…and a New Course for 2018 !
With Robert Dilts and Stephen Gilligan
Using 3 minds instead of one ? That’s what I have been up to in Barcelona this Spring !
I have been privileged this Spring to undertake my Practitioner in Generative Coaching with Robert Dilts and Stephen Gilligan. So what’s different ?
“Generative” means to create a result that has never existed before in the world. It is the power of the entrepreneur, the artist, the philosopher, the inspirational leader. Generative Coaching is a set of tools for working with clients to enable them to discover and harness this power within themselves. It enables clients to transcend problems rather than just ‘sort’ them, and to move onto new, previously unimagined levels of creativity in both their personal and professional lives. Unlike conventional coaching, Generative Coaching treats barriers and threats as opportunities for deep personal change.
And the 3 minds ?
Try this: Think about how you know when you have made a good decision…….how do you know this…is it just in your head ?
When we are at our best/in the flow, we are not just thinking with our mind but also with our heart and our gut (our somatic mind). Similarly when we get stuck with a problem…..we usually experience the ‘stuckness’ in our head (cognitive mind). Generative Coaching focuses on getting the coachee into the optimum state to generate solutions from the cognitive, the somatic and something called the ‘field’ mind (the larger field of experience around us).
This approach now influences not just my coaching…it also informs my training of other coaches and will be a key element of the ‘Advanced Coaching’ course that I am launching in the Spring with my associate Richard Bisiker of Personal Summits. Unlike some ‘advanced coaching courses’ there will be a pre-requisite that participants have already had previous coach training……….so the focus will be on really building on existing skills rather than going back to basics ! Get in touch with me if you think this might be for you !
For more information on Richard:
With my fellow course graduates in Barcelona in May !