Bev’s Story: Development is for Every Life Stage!
By Beverley Little, Senior Learning & Development Manager, Hays Travel, NLP Business Practitioner & Coach…And Grandma !
After 40 wonderful years enjoying a rewarding, exciting, fun and at times very challenging career in the Travel Industry (Gulf wars, 911, volcanic cloud eruptions, earthquakes and a covid Pandemic !!!), it is now time to commence a new journey for myself, a journey into retirement !
This is the hardest and most emotional life choice I have ever had to make. Fortunately I have a number of very useful tools in my very well used (and absolutely not even slightly rusty toolbox) to support me.
The most used tools are those that were so very kindly presented to me by Florence over 10 years ago during my Personal Effectiveness At Work Training (and further added to over the years with NLP and Coaching courses).
These are tools that I use daily and have shared with so many others over the years. Over the last few months they have been in constant use to support with my life changing decisions as I plan and prepare for my new life.
Creating the Future I Want
Particularly valuable for me have been the NLP* processes I have experienced: specifically Timeline and Walking Logical Levels. These have helped me to virtually step into the future and experience I want to create. Providing me with conviction in my decisions, enabling me to consider not just what I do want in my life, but what I don’t want also!
Recognising and Adding to my Peacock Tail
In the Advanced Coaching course I did with Florence , I was introduced to the metaphor of our ‘Peacock Tail’. This is in effect referring to all of the people and experiences that have gone to shaping us and make up our invisible peacock tail stretching out behind us all. And I have added another peacock feather to my tail, as my own culture and family background are influencing my decision, calling me to be the kind of grandmother I myself had the joy to experience. I want to be able to give my grandson the time and unconditional love that I enjoyed.
The Gift of Feedback
As I leave Hays I have been inundated with so many kind gifts and words. I have ensured I have in return provided my friends and colleagues with the best gifts of all: the gift of feedback to never stop learning. And as I wish them all every success with their own careers, to note that success does not just happen, it is not just given, it takes enormous effort and hard work. So my advice is to visualise where you want to be, plan how you will get there and make it happen!
Enjoying every step of the journey on your way !
* Neuro Linguistic Programming