Since starting my business in 2002 with years of training and development experience within commercially driven environments, I have been developing a strong track record of helping others to achieve and grow.

I am passionate about seeing people and organisations thrive and succeed, and I am passionate about the part that development plays in that !

Organisations need to thrive to survive and so any training and development intervention needs to be

  • Practical
  • Flexible
  • Value for money

as well as delivering solutions that give the client the outcome they are looking for!

So what can you expect from me?

Clients can expect a business partner, and programmes and solutions tailored specifically to their needs, as well as full ongoing support prior to, during and after any training or testing assignment.

Have a look through my website and notice what my clients are thinking!

Customer Feedback

I felt that all aspects of the course were expertly and professionally designed and delivered. The course venue was second to none, offering a friendly and relaxed environment in which to unwind, switch off from “work” and focus on the task in hand.

I am indebted to Florence Madden, of Florence Madden Associates, who led me and others on an Effective Leadership Programme.

I had one to one coaching – Florence doesn’t give you the answers, you have to find them for yourself.

Thank you for skilful, inclusive and enlightening tutorship during this excellent course.

How my ‘product’ is developing

I believe in the transformational effect of good training, and I am passionate about investing in my own development as well.

Having trained as an NLP Trainer with Sue Knight in France and Robert Dilts, Judith Delozier and Judy Lowe in Crete, I  deliver NLP courses at home and occasionally abroad  (for more info take a look at my NLP Training page).  I have also trained in New Code NLP with John Grinder with specific focus on mobilising the power of the unconscious mind in the coaching environment. The importance of ‘our way of being’ around others and the power of developmental feedback were key learnings from all of them and what I hope I have taken back into my work.

I have also had the privilege of working with Nancy Kline (author ‘Time To Think) to become a ‘Thinking Partner’, which informs my coaching practice. How to create a ‘Thinking Environment’ in the workplace where people can think for themselves, is central to Nancy’s approach. The simple truth is that organisations need to derive value from everyone they employ and so naturally ‘helping people to create a ‘Thinking Environment’ impacts on all of my individual and team development work.

I have been inspired by all of them with regard to how things can be done better in organisations, and I aim to take my learning into my work to make a difference!

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